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    Israel, will you listen? Messages from the Minor Prophets

    The term Minor Prophets describes a group of twelve books in the Bible filled with powerful messages that are short in length but potent in their messages. This program examines the messages of these minor prophets and the application of these messages to our modern day.
  • Pioneers

    Lest we forget (Seventh Day Adventist Pioneers)

    The program entitled "Lest we forget" should enlighten us about the way God leads his remnant church from a small group of people who believed his coming would have been in the year 1844 to the multiplicity of the congregation that we are today.

    The message for this crisis!!

    Do you think it is essential for us as seventh Day Adventist to know and understand the three angel's messages? This program is a Biblical examination of the Three Angel's Message and its importance to us as Seventh Day Adventist Christians who claim to be followers of Christ.

    The parable of the Ten Virgins

    As Christ sat looking upon the party that waited for the bridegroom, He told His disciples the story of the ten virgins, by their experience illustrating the experience of the Church that shall live just before His second coming.

    Creating Spiritual Families

    Families all over the world are facing a crisis. In this modern age family closeness has been threatened by competitive culture and technological change. Many families are suffering such issues as separation, turmoil, selfishness and for some, even domestic violence. 

    Improvement: Prayer is the key

    Prayer was the artery of the early church. Through prayer, life-sustaining power was derived. As a church, we have a great need to discover and experience the powerful privilege of effective prayer.

    There is beauty in God's creation. It is good to partake of this as often as we can. This Sabbath, we will teach the church the joys of an unplugged Sabbath, which means little to no electronic devices, just homemade musical instruments and our voices.
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