• Pioneers

    Lest we forget (Seventh Day Adventist Pioneers)

    The program entitled "Lest we forget" should enlighten us about the way God leads his remnant church from a small group of people who believed his coming would have been in the year 1844 to the multiplicity of the congregation that we are today.
  • New Year's Resolutions

    Should Christians Make New Year's Resolutions?

    It's the new year and everybody is making their list of resolutions. While the world is following behind this trend, should we as Christians be making new year's resolutions? Are there any dangers to having these grand plans of self-improvement for personal gain?
  • Ellen White

    Ellen White Said What??

    Ellen White’s writings has been a topic of controversy in many churches. Some feel that some of her statements contradict modern understanding on topics and disregard her. How many persons have actually read her writings? This program debunks some of her statements.
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