What do you have in your hand? (AY)

Adventist Youth (AY)
This program is a panel discussion with people from different fields explaining how they can use their careers to reach people and lead them to Christ.
Program Aim
This program aims to show us how we can reach people using our skills and occupation.
Scripture References
Exodus 4:2
Theme Song(s)
#359- Hark the Voice of Jesus calling
Program Audience
Preparations and resources

A panel of 5-6 professionals from the church.

What Do You Have In Your Hand?

Have a panel of 5-6 professionals from your church, discuss the ways
that their careers and jobs allow them to minister to people.
Ask them questions based on “Christ's Method” by Ellen G. White:
What type of people do you encounter on a daily basis?
What good do you desire for them?
What physical or emotional needs are you ministering to?
How can you sympathize/empathize with them in difficult situations?
After doing all of the above, how can you introduce them to Christ?
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men
as one who desired their good. He showed Hie sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won
their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." - Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 143.


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Manasa (not verified), Dec 06 2019 - 4:35pm
These are very Idealistics Topics.
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Donald Pilae (not verified), Dec 14 2019 - 4:32pm
Can also use for future careers while students decide for their future
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Paul Rakula (not verified), Dec 18 2019 - 2:53pm
yes this is one of the interesting fact that church members can out reach to the world
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Paul Rakula (not verified), Dec 18 2019 - 6:49pm
what about the congregation where there is no people working, they all farmers and house wives.
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Lindale (not verified), Jan 20 2022 - 11:33am
Well then, reach farmers and housewives! This is what Jesus did; he reached the fisherfolk in the predominant fishing village. Mary and Martha were housewives, and He made time to reach and administer to them as well. The good thing about salvation is that it reaches all people wherever they are
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Zodwa (not verified), Nov 26 2022 - 12:15am
Those are their profession and occupations. Never to be undermined
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Sarafina Gbanyah (not verified), Dec 31 2019 - 10:33am
Sarafina is a young teenager who has been appointment as AY leader
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Anonymous (not verified), Feb 19 2020 - 10:13am
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Anonymous (not verified), Feb 26 2020 - 8:09pm
This program helps a lot specially we are nurturing new members to be God's helpers. Thank you so much. God bless
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Merejina (not verified), Jun 16 2020 - 11:05pm
Seventh day Adventist from Papua New Guinea tabubil local churchWestern Highland mission ,I was enjoyed with this topic.send more
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Kerrian (not verified), Jul 24 2020 - 5:54pm
I had this same idea and then I came to look up some stuff to expand on it since the program is for 2 hours and voila! I saw this and thought to myself what a coincidence
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Innocent (not verified), Aug 21 2021 - 9:16am
Amazing program, very interesting and helpful but I wanted to download it
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Marline Sailas… (not verified), Jan 28 2022 - 5:18pm
Thanks for sharing. It really helps our youths and folks in our little church here, to remind us again to use the God given talents and skills to reach the unreachable. Please keep sharing more to make our AY interesting. God bless you.
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Mary Igua (not verified), Mar 09 2022 - 7:31pm
Thanks for sharing
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Sepeci (not verified), Mar 10 2022 - 3:19am
Good Program and lesson learned is challenging in everyday life
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Anonymous (not verified), Jun 20 2022 - 2:53pm
God is good

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