
Sabbath School
Many persons have a story behind the scars they carry. Some persons are embarrassed by their scars and some persons hide them. Jesus scars will be his identifying symbol in the earth made new. Your scars can be used to identify you but not condemn you. Use the story of your scars to help someone going through the same battles you overcame.
Program Aim
To teach the church that their scars show they overcame a battle fought and won by Jesus protective hands.
Scripture References
Isaiah 53:5
Theme Song(s)
My Maker and my King (15), I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
Program Audience
Preparations and resources


Click here for accompanying presentation on Scars, this should be used as the Main Feature.

Opening Remarks:

Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after an injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. Thus, scarring is a natural part of the healing process. Do you bear any scars? Are you ashamed of your scars, or do you love them? 

Most importantly, how do you think Jesus feels about our scars? I want to let you know that as bruised, battered and full of scars that you are Jesus loves you with an everlasting love. I can also assure you that Jesus was also beaten, bruised and pierced, and he still bears all the scars from dying on the cross for you and me. 


Special Music




Scripture Reading and Prayer

Isaiah 53:5: But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging, we are healed.

Jeremiah 30:17

‘For I will restore you to health And I will heal you of your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’


Main Feature

Have someone briefly share the story behind a scar that they have.

*Click here for accompanying PowerPoint Presentation on Scars*



Ask the pastor or prayer coordinator to pray for healing over the scars in our lives, that it may bring healing about the body physically and spiritually. Pray that God knows about our deepest scars, and by his stripes, persons are healed.





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Eric John Akai (not verified), Dec 20 2020 - 6:40am
Awesome Program
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Sherena howard (not verified), Jan 01 2021 - 7:02pm
Love this program
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Candys (not verified), Jan 27 2021 - 8:18pm
I'm bless by this theme
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JEREMIAH MBENJE (not verified), Mar 27 2021 - 7:29am
Well done and awesome
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Donald Mugari (not verified), May 14 2021 - 1:38pm
Powerful indeed
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Verina Narain (not verified), Jun 01 2021 - 9:14pm
Wonderful program. Well done
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Kimesha Fender (not verified), Jun 24 2021 - 12:11pm
Lovely programme. thank you
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Anonymous (not verified), Jun 24 2021 - 1:03pm
Default User Image (not verified), Jun 24 2021 - 9:39pm
This is wonderful
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Audrey Griffiths (not verified), Jun 28 2021 - 8:41am
Powerful program. Thank you!
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Juliet m dayahan (not verified), Jul 02 2021 - 4:35pm
Thank you for this beautiful program i can use it today in Sabbath School
God bless you more... have a blessed Sabbath
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Marrie saintjohn (not verified), Jul 07 2021 - 5:04pm
Thank u so much love this programe very helpful.💞
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Chikutukutu Ma… (not verified), Jul 16 2021 - 11:57am
Lovely program thank you.
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Ogechi (not verified), Jul 20 2021 - 5:00am
Wonderful idea. I love it
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Anonymous (not verified), Aug 03 2021 - 4:24am
It is very helpful and encouraging. Bless
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Wesper Cornette (not verified), Aug 14 2021 - 11:28am
Awesome program thank you
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Jean :) (not verified), Sep 10 2021 - 3:15am
Really helpful.. Praise God for this idea..
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Anonymous (not verified), Jan 27 2022 - 3:20pm
Very terrific
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Abegail (not verified), Jul 08 2023 - 12:47pm
Surely, I will use this topic in my next sabbath program, it has touched my inner soul as I've also had scars in my journey so called life, Amen

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Sharon Jeremia… (not verified), May 06 2024 - 2:44pm
Wonderful program
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Alice (not verified), May 06 2024 - 9:44pm
Amen. Very touching
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Catherine (not verified), Aug 13 2024 - 5:19pm
To God be the glory 🙏 thank you for the program 💪

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