Testimony in Song (AY)

Adventist Youth (AY)
There are songs that have been integral in our spiritual experience throughout the years. This program gives each person an opportunity to testify about their favourite song from a list popular classics.

Program Aim
To encourage each other with testimonies of how God has worked through the words of a song.
Scripture References
Ephesians 5:19, Psalm 95:1-2, 1 Chronicles 16:9
Theme Song(s)
286 – Wonderful Words of Life
Preparations and resources

Create a list of well known song for your congregation, or get a selection of known songs from performers. You may use a praise team, individual singers, instrumentalists and groups. Ensure all the songs are known by the performers and adequate practice is done prior to the execution of the program.


Paper, access to a printer to print the song list for distribution, microphones (cordless and/or regular mounted microphone at the front of church), a projector to display the song lyrics or list of remaining songs.


Here are some activities You can also try:

Program desc


OPENING PRAYER [1 minute]:

SONG SERVICE [15 minutes]:

PRAYER [3 minutes]:




The salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. We understand youth ministry to be that work of the church that is conducted for, with, and by young people.


The Advent message to all the world in my generation.


The love of Christ compels me.


Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.


Adventist youth are we from every land and sea

Together we pray and work and play in happy harmony

We have a faith to share

With others everywhere

A message of love from God above

To show the world we care

Adventist youth, Adventist Youth, Adventist Youth


WELCOME & GREETING [5 minutes]:

ACTIVITIES [15 minutes]:

            Morning Watch, Testimonies, Hot Seat, Action group/unit meetings, etc.



We are encouraged in Hebrews 10:25 “not to forsake  gathering together, but to encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near” (NLT). It is comforting to know that you are not the only one going through challenging times, and can find encouragement in the experiences and testimonies of your fellow brethren. Through the sharing of their testimonies, our faith can be affirmed and our eyes opened to the fact that God is still working in the lives of many people even today, in remarkable ways.


MAIN PROGRAM [45 minutes]:   


Program Outline

Print out a list of approximately 10-15 songs that could be rendered during the program through a projector or display screen. Make sure to have different persons or groups to sing/perform the songs beforehand.


Place a microphone to the front of the church and/or have a cordless microphone on standby for those unable to walk up to the standing mic at the front of the church.


Disseminate the list of songs to members in the congregation.


Ask individuals to look over the list of songs and ask them to choose one song and share a testimony about how this song has ministered to them in the past. This testimony should be between 3-5 minutes long.


After the testimony, the group or individual who is slated perform that song will then sing/play that musical selection.


You can be creative with how the songs are presented. It could be sung, rendered through sign-language, played on an instrument etc. This will add some diversity and creativity to the various musical selections.



VESPER SERVICE [10 minutes]


            CLOSING SONG


DEPARTURE SONG [1 minute]:


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Opal (not verified), Jun 02 2019 - 10:05pm
Wonderful AY progamme,I did something close to this on Sabbath
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Anonymous (not verified), Jun 12 2021 - 4:46pm
Excellent spirit filled programs
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Iulai.Gale (not verified), Jul 14 2021 - 4:32pm
it is so great and encourage program
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Anonymous (not verified), Jul 15 2021 - 8:19pm
Inspiring Program
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Ellen (not verified), Aug 29 2023 - 5:18pm
Thanks , awesome. To God be the Glory .
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Anonymous (not verified), Sep 02 2023 - 10:52am
Nice and spirit filled program 🙏🏾

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