God in Nature (AY)

Adventist Youth (AY)
Now that creation is complete, God has finished his work, he did His very best because he declared that it was good. However, now is the time for us to do the work he has left for us to do. We all have been given talents but will we utilize our talents or bury them. Will we serve him half-heartedly or will we give our all, and give our best?
This sabbath school program will show us how to give of our best to the master.
Program Aim
Sometimes we need to pack up our Bibles and Hymnals and take a walk outside of the man-made cathedral and enter into the sanctuary made by God's own hand, that place is nature! This week we will be presenting an AY program that takes your church into nature and reminds them that God is the creator and that he speaks to us not only through the Bible but through his creative works.
Scripture References
Psalm 19:1
Theme Song(s)
#93- All things bright and beautiful
Program Audience
Preparations and resources


Form multiple groups (4 - 6 based on the number of people available).

Allow the groups to take 15 - 20 minutes to walk out in the surrounding nature and observe the environment.

Each group should take note of 10 natural things in the environment.

For each Item list the following:

  1. A Bible verse about the item.
  2. What it tells us about God’s qualities or his character.
  3. How it is beneficial to us or other plants and animals.
  4. How can we protect or conserve it.


Each group should present their 10 items at the end of their nature walk. Presentations should be limited to 10-15 minutes based on the number of groups present.

God in Nature!

A.Y. Program


Overview: This is an outdoor program. Take your church to a nice open area where they can walk and explore various aspects of nature. A place with a body of water would be great, or anywhere that has a nice diversity of plant and animal life.


Opening Prayer

Song Service (sing songs about nature, eg. All things bright and beautiful)

Scripture reading:

Special: song or poem about nature.


Psalm 19:1 reminds us that “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”


Outside of the Bible, there is another place where God reveals himself. He is written on the leaves of every tree, his glory is etched into every stone and we can hear about him through the preaching of the wind and waves. The birds sing His praises new every morning and the stars display his majesty.


Job 12: 7-9 encourages us to ask nature about who God is: “But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: 8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. 9 Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?” 


Nature knows it’s creator and testifies of His magnificence everyday. Therefore according to Romans 1:20, you have no excuse for not understanding the works of the Lord. “20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”


Today we will be seeking to find God in nature, we will learn of the creator through all that he has created.




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Tiffany joseph (not verified), Aug 16 2019 - 1:17pm
I would like to learn more about what i can do as an AY leader. Thanks for the idea that is there.
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Nella C.Pableo (not verified), Oct 19 2019 - 4:06am
I love this page
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Sam ay (not verified), Nov 10 2019 - 12:13pm
Excited to try this
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Anonymous (not verified), Jan 12 2020 - 10:24am
Thank you for sharing your resources
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Clint coke (not verified), Jan 25 2020 - 3:06pm
These ay programs are so helpful to the church thanks alot
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Bright Kaziba … (not verified), Feb 11 2020 - 2:51pm
Am really enjoying these programs, i would like to start practicing at my church. Please keep on and may the Almighty bless u abundantly
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jennifer morales (not verified), Apr 17 2020 - 3:10am
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ElaineOkove (not verified), Oct 23 2020 - 5:36am
God is in nature
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Louise (not verified), Apr 23 2021 - 1:31am
I like your programs its awesome...God bless your ministry..
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Alfred Takijah (not verified), Apr 23 2021 - 2:32am
Thank you for sharing this very impressive and helpful resources
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Winsome McKenzie (not verified), Apr 24 2021 - 1:57pm
Thank you for sharing very helpful
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Vaasi Kupu (not verified), Apr 25 2021 - 10:35pm
Thank you I like this programme.......Thanks for sharing....
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Anonymous (not verified), Apr 26 2021 - 9:55pm
The programs are very super and they help me to evangelize at church. The brethren enjoy them
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Jhunjie Añosa (not verified), Apr 29 2021 - 2:24am
Thank you brother this is very useful for us we have another idea we apply every AY program.. Godbless you and your family keep safe always.
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Ethra Atuary (not verified), Jun 22 2021 - 7:04am
Thanks for the message is very helpful 👍🙏🙏🙏
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Thanks for suc… (not verified), Sep 17 2021 - 4:08pm
Thanks for such great ideas
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Titilia (not verified), Oct 01 2021 - 2:41am
I really love this program,I can't wait for the church to be open,(since covid) so that I can share with my church family.May the good Lord continued to bless your ministry
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Tasha-Lee Aris (not verified), Dec 15 2021 - 5:34am
Lovely I did share this program with my church Family. They did enjoy, its power packed.
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Anonymous (not verified), Mar 28 2022 - 7:24pm
I will be using this program for nature Sabbath hope all are blessed by it
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Sorenu (not verified), Aug 11 2022 - 9:19pm
This AY program is very inspiring
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Anonymous (not verified), Aug 15 2022 - 12:04am
Great program.
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Anonymous (not verified), Aug 18 2022 - 3:34pm
A very useful programme.Great ideas. Blessings
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Dulcie (not verified), Aug 23 2022 - 1:31pm
Thanks for such a wonderful idea I will use it in my church God bless you
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Anonymous (not verified), Mar 21 2023 - 9:16pm
Very Nice objects lesson I will be carrying my Church in nature and using this program. Thank You
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Robert Dolera … (not verified), Jul 21 2023 - 4:46pm
I will be using this in our church during AY prog, this really useful and suitable in our place, thus we are in the midst of nature. Thank you very much. God bless
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Lennon LATTY (not verified), Sep 04 2023 - 3:39pm
A wonderful program to God be the glory great things he had done🙏
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Dannella Smith (not verified), Sep 04 2023 - 4:29pm
Your programs are always inspirational. God bless you always
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Dulcie Harvey (not verified), Sep 08 2023 - 10:55pm
Thanks for sharing it's very interesting
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Anonymous (not verified), Jan 28 2024 - 9:50am
Looking for new ideas to better my A.Y.M department

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