A Family Altar will Alter Your Family

Sabbath School
A family altar will alter your family. One of the most important things you can do to secure the spiritual atmosphere in your home is to establish a place of corporate prayer that teaches your family about God.
Program Aim
A family altar will alter your family. One of the most important things you can do to secure the spiritual atmosphere in your home is to establish a place of corporate prayer.
Scripture References
Genesis 18:19
Theme Song(s)
06 Oh Worship the King
Program Audience
Preparations and resources

Click here for a presentation that will aid your program.

Opening Remarks:

A family altar will alter your family. One of the most important things you can do to secure your home's spiritual atmosphere is to establish a place of corporate prayer. For many families, this is a difficult thing to accomplish. Homework, ball practice, business, and extracurricular activities monopolize our time. Unfortunately, some homes go weeks and months without praying together. When constructing a family altar, remember these five essential suggestions:

  • Consistency

Inconsistency stumps our efforts and limits our growth. Place this time together with your family as a top priority and stick to it. Do it until it becomes habitual in your schedule. We all struggle with making this happen frequently but stay with it until it becomes a vital part of your daily activities.

  • Communication

This is not just a time to talk with God, but also to speak with one another. Share your burdens and your blessings. Keep a journal or notebook and record one another's thoughts and concerns. Remember, a family altar is about putting down the electronic devices, looking at one another in the face and speaking to each other like normal human beings.

  • Consecration

Incorporate praise and worship at your family altar. Teach your children that worship is not confined to the walls of a church. Allow your home to become your sanctuary. Worship the Lord together and dedicate that special moment to the Lord as a family.

  •  Creativity

Don't let your family altar become routine and boring. Change things up from time to time and make it enjoyable. Do whatever you need to do to keep your kids involved. Allow them to pray, lead the family occasionally. Go online and get some ideas. This is undoubtedly a time of sincerity and reverence, but that doesn't mean it has to be dull.

  • Camaraderie

Remember, this is about building a family that functions in the body of Christ. The old saying is still valid, "The family that prays together, stays together." Twenty years from now, your children will cherish those small moments that you shared. Remember, you are not just building an altar; you are building a family.

The family altar will bring the ark of God; the presence of God into your home and build faith and confidence in God within your family members. What better thing than to daily have God's abiding presence in your home to help, shield and guide your family?



Scripture Reading and Prayer

Genesis 18:19

For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him."


Special Music

Main Feature

Here are some additional tips to help build your family alter.


Keep It Short:

Make the time active and exciting. Do not turn it into a seminary classroom. Adjust the time based on children's age and focus. Ten minutes for young children, 15-20 minutes for older children. Do you have On-the-go young adult children? Consider texting a scripture verse or short prayer.


Mingle a classic hymn with something from the children's Sabbath Schools or a contemporary praise chorus. Don't get stuck in a rut, but use music to encourage worship and scripture memorization.

Give Testimonies 

Share God-sightings ("divine encounters") that family members may have had that day. How did you see God at work today? Give everyone a chance to share. 

Read from the Bible

Children need to hear, read, and memorize the Word of God. As a family, read through a portion of scripture. If you're reading the Gospels, for example, take a few verses that focus on a particular event in the life of Jesus (i.e., any of His healing miracles, His parables, etc.) Read and discuss the passage asking who, what, when, where, and why questions.


Take turns sharing praises and petitions. Consider having a family prayer project (i.e., a mission project, the pastor and family, a missing/inactive member or family, the staff at the school where the children attend, a neighbour in need, the sick, someone in the family or neighbourhood who needs to know Jesus, etc.). Pray regularly for the family prayer project and keep tabs on what is happening in that person's life


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ruth arrogante… (not verified), Jan 22 2021 - 10:12am
please share more program ideas to us. Thank you
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Denisia, Mar 05 2021 - 1:09am
Have you subscribed to receive the weekly programs?
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sunjomya@gmail.com (not verified), Feb 06 2021 - 12:57am
this is wonderful!
God bless you
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fenika Muvirimi (not verified), Feb 12 2021 - 9:24am
thank u so much for the program it's amazing
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Giro Imbu (not verified), Feb 17 2021 - 5:38pm
Nice blessed programs.
God bless
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Roynanne Kangei (not verified), Mar 06 2021 - 9:43pm
Thank you, I like the programs
God bless
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Given Mwansa (not verified), Mar 08 2021 - 4:55am
Very helpful.
May God lead you as you labour.
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Anonymous (not verified), Mar 11 2021 - 6:04am
Thank you so much this is very helpful
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Anonymous (not verified), Mar 20 2021 - 12:28am
Thank you so much for this quidelines it's really helpful. Keep up and God bless your ministry
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Beverlyn Sap (not verified), Apr 14 2021 - 10:12pm
Thank you so much..Its amazing & very helpful. God Bless.
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Albert (not verified), Apr 15 2021 - 12:42am
Thank you so much I have learnt a lot on family worship
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Stephanie. Mag… (not verified), Apr 16 2021 - 1:32pm
Thank you very much for sharing this program. It helps a lot when following it. GOD bless your ministry.
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Merasol Tumagna (not verified), May 04 2021 - 3:55am
We're so blessed if we're going to apply it,, very helpful I will try this ,, even my husband is not an Adventist,,,,, means my two kids will try to this by God's help , thank you so much may Our God will bless your ministry
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Keith Timothy (not verified), May 04 2021 - 10:27pm
Thank you so much for sharing this program. I am blessed when following it. Praying for your ministry.
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Jane J. Hawkins (not verified), May 11 2021 - 1:00am
Thank God that the virus does not in any way stop or hinder Jesus plans for us.
I enjoy my private time with the Lord for examination, reflection, and praise for all he has done in my life. Life will always offer challenges, but, God promised never to leave us alone. I can not thank him enough for all he has has done for me. His love is so unconditional!! I will incorporate the lessons with my devotions. Thank you for the blessingsl
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Queenie (not verified), May 20 2021 - 2:42pm
Very innovative and helpful program that keeps everyone in the family engaged. Thank you.
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Akosita (not verified), Jun 04 2021 - 6:05pm
Amazing love the program
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Kiki (not verified), Aug 07 2021 - 11:12pm
Remarkable program very helpful to attach ourselves together.
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Sharline (not verified), Mar 12 2022 - 8:11am
Thank you so much for sharing these. I had to plan a program last minute because a team member forgot and I knew exactly what I wanted to share but didn't know how to execute this really help. May God continue to bless your family and your Ministry. Blessings
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Denise (Trinidad) (not verified), Mar 04 2023 - 6:35am
Thank you for sharing these programs. Really helpful for presentation at our church. This topic goes inline with the theme of our service today: The Strength of the Family.
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Pearl (not verified), Aug 23 2023 - 1:37am
Thank you so much for the program. May The Lord richly bless you. Jesus is coming
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Priscilla (not verified), Aug 23 2023 - 2:47pm
Very helpful
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Anonymous (not verified), Aug 24 2023 - 11:55pm
Thank you very much for this initiative. I love it. Keep on sharing more ideas. May God bless you.
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Kerryannsanderson (not verified), Aug 26 2023 - 7:00pm
I enjoy your program every month these programs inspired me and the congregation in my church please continue to share your program 🙏

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