The Church:Medical Centre (SS)

Sabbath School
There are many ways to describe the church. A spiritual hospital, a clinic, a hospice, a therapeutic centre, or a fitness centre. Truthfully, it is all these things combined!
Program Aim
The aim of the treatment is to provide a spiritual cure, maintain wellness for its patients and ensure that they are discharged to testify of their development!
Scripture References
Luke 4:16-19
Theme Song(s)
394 Far from all care!
Program Audience
Preparations and resources

Projector and Screen to display Diagnosis and Treatments

There are many ways to describe the church. A spiritual hospital, a clinic, a hospice, a therapeutic centre, or a fitness centre. Truthfully, it is all these things combined! The aim of the treatment is to provide a spiritual cure, maintain wellness for its patients and ensure that they are discharged to testify of their development!

"The church is not a museum of saints, but a hospital for sinners."

Welcome to the <Church Name> Medical Complex. Here, we have the pleasure of offering clinical care, a hospice, a therapeutic centre, and a fitness centre. Catering to every aspect of the whole being, for every spiritual ailment, we have the remedy. After all, our consultant physician, Jesus Christ, is skilled in all areas of human care. In fact, He made the human body, so you can trust him with yours.
His faithful co-labourers are here to help lead you to him.

I am Paramedic <Lastname>.
Welcome to God’s state of the art, holistic medical centre. Catering for the whole man. Mental, physical and spiritual needs. From a headache to a heart transplant, God’s business is making men and women whole again!

Part of our physical care program is singing:
1. Singing exercises your lungs. It tones up your diaphragm.
2. It can improve your mood and your sleep.
3. It provides benefit to your heart and circulation by improving your aerobic capacity and decreases muscle tension.
4. Your facial muscles get toned.
5. Your posture improves.
6. Sinuses and respiratory tubes are opened up.
7. There is a release of pain relieving endorphins.
8. Your immune system is given a boost, enabling you to fight disease.
9. It can help reduce anger, depression and anxiety

Song:  394 Far from all care!

Through the power of Jesus, this medical center provides remedies that are effective and free from side-effects. They have long term effectiveness once you stick to our main prescription. Prayer and Bible study at least three times a day, before or after each meal. Let us pause to take a dose.
Scripture & Prayer:   Luke 4:16-19


 I can feel the medication already running through my veins and arteries all the way to my heart. This medical center offers benefit for this life and the life here after.
JESUS, our chief Physician can take a broken human life and restore it in all its dimensions, renews it, transforms it, sanctifies it and enriches its interpersonal relationships, bringing the human being to a fuller communion with society and nature, and ultimately unites it with God.

We will now hear from Dr. <church member>, our doctor without borders who will tell us about a patient’s case study from across the sea. – MISSION STORY

Christ referred to Himself as a physician, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick” (Mt. 9:12)– the sick being the sinners.
As with our physical illness, so it is with our spiritual illness: the first step toward wellness is to have a thorough check-up. We should educate ourselves about the various illnesses and how a cure is achieved, what diet we are to follow, what exercises to do, etc.

Before we seek a cure, we must realise that we are sick. Sometimes a sickness is obvious, but other times we tell ourselves ignore major sign and symptoms. That is why regular check ups are recommended in order to discover any problems early and address them with a greater chance of success. We were all born with a hereditary disease called sin, and if not properly managed, it can become chronic and make treatment difficult.
We should approach our physician, Dr. Jesus with full confidence and develop a close, trusting relationship with him. He has been certified by the highest spiritual and medical authority to practice everywhere.


Special Music

God has prescribed a general treatment strategy that is effective against most spiritual illnesses.
Study the case history of others who had the same sickness as we have and who became well. (Read the Bible)
Visit your doctor regularly, share with him all you aches and pains, and anything that bothers you  (Pray)
Listen and take heed to what the doctor has to say. (Have faith, meditate and reflect upon God’s word)

The Physician and the Medications
The average physician is equipped to provide basic treatment. Our Doctor’s treatment goes beyond basic.”If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”
Here are a few common diseases that we treat here at this medical institution:




Diagnosis: BACK-PAIN
(Carrying too many burdens)
“Come to me all of you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take up my yoke and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. Because my yoke is easy and my burden is light” Matthew 11:28-29
Treatment: Praying to the burden bearer
Dosage: Without ceasing

Diagnosis: HEADACHE
(Stresses of life)
“Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God” Philippians 4:6
Treatment: PRAISE
Dosage: Daily, take a double dose when you are tempted to complain

(Temptation to do evil & go astray)
“Thy word have I hid in my heart so I will not sin against you” Psalm 119:11
Treatment: Study and apply God’s word.
Dosage: Daily, especially when temptation arises.

(Hopeless and broken)
Treatment: Patient endurance – The best is yet to come. Exercise faith everyday

“Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart; wait I say on the Lord” Psalm 27:14
Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me...And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself so that where I am, there you may be also” John 14:1/3
Dosage: Daily



(Spiritually laziness)

Treatment: Outreach and missionary work - Walk the highways and byways. Share spiritual and physical food with those who need it.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Matthew 28:19

Dosage: Daily

The Devil is inventing new strains of spiritual illnesses every day. His aim is to deceive and infect you so you can contract these terrible illnesses. So to build our spiritual immune system, we need our daily dose of Vitamin C(hrist) and Vitamin B66(Bible study). One way to do this is to study for ourselves. Another way we can do this is to listen to advice from qualified experts. The <CHURCH NAME> Medical Center is proud to have with us a team of able Consultants, who will, based on their study, be sharing with us on the topic: <This week’s Lesson topic>

Lesson Study


We have a personal responsibility for our own spiritual wellness
Make an appointment to see a spiritual therapist. Find someone you know you can confide in.
Decide when to start therapy. The right time is always now.
Request all the information we need. It is provided free-of-charge.
Learn everything about your sickness and its treatment.
Develop a personal relationship with Doctor Jesus.

You have a part to play if you would be made whole under the care of the Great Physician:

Conditions for Wellness
For the therapy to become effective the following four elements are needed:


Acceptance: Awareness and recognition of our sickness.

Faith: The belief that it can only be solved through the intervention of the Great Physician

As we commit sins, our thinking becomes blurred and disoriented, our emotions become confused, and our willpower is left weak. Our willingness to resist temptation decreases as well as our capacity to choose correctly the path of purity. Our motives act against the nature of God. Our aim is, with God’s grace, to turn them around and point them toward God.
We need to once and for all make a conscious decision, and then continuously throughout our life, to either turn to God or to isolate ourselves from God; to either act in a spirit of repentance and humility or in an act/attitude of ego, pride and self-love. The choice is ours.

We must have forgiveness towards everyone, especially towards those who have offended us.
Certain medical prescriptions insist that we must take it on an empty stomach. So must empty our lives be free from unconfessed sins and unforgiveness. Just tell your doctor about them. If we hold on to sin, we may get negative interactions with the treatment. We must have a desire to change.


Let us keep in mind that even if we think we are healthy spiritually (and some are), we still need to follow a healthy lifestyle, do a periodic “check up”, follow some special “diet”, do “exercises”, etc. to keep in shape.

May we all attain spiritual wellness, and not remain in the hospital, but go and seek those who need the Physician, so that they can be healed and rehabilitated to serve Him too!

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 2 (KJV)



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Kellyn (not verified), Jan 27 2019 - 5:20pm
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port maria children (not verified), Aug 03 2019 - 8:07am
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Lisa sapu (not verified), Sep 29 2019 - 6:05am
I love this theme
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Rhona Dennis (not verified), Jan 04 2020 - 7:58am
Very interesting. Great program.. this will help our brothers and sisters to be more connected to God.
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Ray Eupenado (not verified), Jan 10 2020 - 10:52pm
This is very creative way of inspiring our brethren. Praise God for this very nice program format.
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not phillips (not verified), Jan 17 2020 - 7:22pm
I love this passage of reading
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Anonymous (not verified), Jan 17 2020 - 9:35pm
Very good program
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Effrey (not verified), Jul 10 2020 - 12:45am
So pleased and happy and very useful for our sabbath school runned by health team.
Thanks so much.
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Catherine Kalamen (not verified), Jul 27 2020 - 9:00am
I love the programs
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jmguy (not verified), Sep 27 2020 - 1:50am


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Anonymous (not verified), Feb 01 2021 - 11:46pm
like it
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Liza Hintay Reyes (not verified), May 11 2021 - 10:34pm
This is timely program on this pandemic
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Kimberly S. (not verified), Aug 16 2021 - 12:22am
I will try this at our church..God bless..more programs like this in the future .
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SakSak (not verified), Oct 20 2021 - 2:34pm
Very creative format. Thank you very much for sharing.
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Anonymous (not verified), Jan 02 2022 - 10:31pm
Very interesting
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Eric Rodney (not verified), Apr 23 2022 - 12:32am
I did not see this program until now, it is a wonderful program and I wish I had seen it earlier than now.
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Alicia De Barros (not verified), May 13 2022 - 6:13pm
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful program!
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Joyce (not verified), Jul 10 2023 - 2:27pm
I have been praying and looking for sabbath school program to deliver this sabbath, this is an amazing one. Thank you so much.
Will definitely use it.
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Sharon Jeremia… (not verified), Nov 28 2023 - 9:06pm
Very interesting
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rosly dalaquit (not verified), Nov 29 2023 - 9:23pm
wow thank you so much, for this wonderful SS program..this will help us to be more connected to God's Word..
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Yutse kelman (not verified), Dec 03 2023 - 8:32am
Truly a great program,We have a women's programme this weekend we have agreed on using this program..God bless your ministry from Guyana 🇬🇾
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Winnie (not verified), Mar 02 2024 - 7:30pm
It is a wonderful program I did it today and the church members was bless praise the Lord
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Lopez Trinidad (not verified), Jun 22 2024 - 7:18am
Great program. God’s continued blessings on your Ministry!🙌

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