Come and Let us Reason together

Sabbath School
This program is a debate between an antagonist protagonist. One trying to show limiting beliefs of Adventism and the other showing why we are not at all limited.
Program Aim
For persons to be able to question why they believe what they believe in a means of strengthening their faith.
Scripture References
1 Peter 2:9
Program Audience

OPENING PRAYER [1 minute]: Choristers

SONG SERVICE [10 minutes]: Choristers

OPENING/THEME SONG [3 minutes]: Choristers


Scripture Reading:

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;I Peter 2:9 NKJV


Mission Story:


I love that the word of God is not  unrealistically. The issues and our fallen world are written on every page. This great book doesn’t shy away from issues of human conflict. It isn’t free from discussions of anger and disappointment. Many controversial things occurred and were discussed within the great book. Discussions that lead to arguments that to this day still occur. However, it  still holds the answers to our complex lives.

Today’s Sabbath school would be in the form of a debate where we have 6 questions to discuss. The church would be the protagonist, where you’ll be defending the beliefs of Adventism and (the superintendent or someone who could debate) would be the antagonist. Since I know you weren’t prepped much for it I would give you all the motions for today. We would like as much as possible biblical or scientific responses to help your group’s stance. The motions are:

  1. Are Adventists limited in the days we worship?
  2. Are Adventists limited in the activities we can participate in? As in where we can go, who we can do it with, why we do certain things.                     
  3. Are Adventists limited in the foods they can eat?
  4. Are Adventist limited in their dress?
  5. Given modern times are Adventists limited in their wait to marriage and spousal choices?
  6. Is Adventism a limiting belief?

Let’s take a quick pause to hear from out secretary.



START OF DEBATE: Church VS Debater

Hello and welcome to our first Church Debate for 2022. We are excited today to be discussing the topic of limiting beliefs of Adventism. I’m certain that most of us don’t think we are limited but we often have to defend our beliefs so today would be no different. We have spoken about the motions earlier and now the question we need to ask ourselves if we indeed limited. The rule of engagement is the antagonist opens with his statement, the protagonist opens with theirs, then the antagonist give his rebuttal, the protagonist gives their rebuttal. Anyone who believes they can defend Adventism can respond.

Let’s begin,



1.         Globally we are one of the minorities who choose to worship on Sabbath and keep the Sabbath holy. Many religions believe that the Sabbath day has been done away with and nailed to the cross. Are we limited in our archaic thoughts and beliefs? What supports this thought process?


Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal




2.         Growing up as an Adventist, there were many events we automatically had to be excluded from, whether be it Friday night limes with friends, parties, many of the things persons call enjoyable. Are we limited?

Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal


3.         Many of my friends have told me you haven’t eaten meat yet if you haven’t tasted a BBQ pork. It is like heaven on earth and they would not give it up for the world. Being Adventist some of us have never had this apparently nice delicacy. Are we limited?

Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal




4.         Many women, I’m sure can attest to thinking about whether or not this dress is appropriate for church or would they be the topic of discussion due to how short or how inappropriate their dress is but fashion and culture changes so no one should really care what we have on or what jewels adorns my body. Are we limited due to dress?

Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal




5.         In this tinder ready world where sex is such a cheap commodity, you don’t even need to give up a ring to get it, am I limited in waiting? There are so many beautiful men and women outside of the church and that’s who many of us tend to go on dates with, am I limited in only wanting to marry an Adventist boy or girl?

Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal




6.         I have been an Adventist all my life and this is only one very small world view perspective given so many rules and regulations. Is Adventism a limiting belief?

Protagonist (Members of the church responds)

Antagonist rebuttal

Protagonist rebuttal




The responses you heard from the antagonist were real responses I’ve heard my whole life. Now the program was meant to be thought provoking and allow you to question why do you believe what you believe. It is believed that this is a good thing from time to time. In each one of these “limiting belief” there is an underlying reason behind it. A reason if you are willing to search for it you’ll find it. For most of it its health reason, learning to be temperate, rest is important. Some of it is because we are different, we are a peculiar people, the importance of modesty. Some of it is more philosophical, like why date in the church. Some of it may be spiritual but at the end of the day, when all is said and done, these “limiting beliefs” make each one of us better, in health, wealth and peace of mind, the combination of which gives us happiness on earth.Moral and spiritual choices have an impact on biological life, as Solomon instructed his son: “Do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life and peace they will add to you” (Prov. 3:1, 2, NKJV).

Exodus 20:6 says, and shewing mercy unto thousand if them that love me and keep my commandments. How do you love God? John 14:15 tells us If ye love me, Keep my commandments. So no we aren’t limited, we are just showing our love for God!






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Kingsley (not verified), Jun 25 2022 - 9:22pm
Great 👌 content, keep it up
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Rita (not verified), Jul 13 2022 - 5:47pm
Very nice program! God bless & more power...🙏🙏
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Phoebe (not verified), Jul 14 2022 - 1:34am
I like the concept, God bless
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Naomi (not verified), Jul 15 2022 - 11:37pm
Amen so inspiring God bless your works.
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Aiza (not verified), Jul 19 2022 - 5:14am
Thanks for this engaging program! Can anyone suggest songs that fit to this topic?
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Edward (not verified), Jul 22 2022 - 7:40am
Very interesting SS program and we definitely support this project.
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Estella Campbell (not verified), Jul 27 2022 - 9:36pm
A very solid program, God bless you both
May the Lord continue to use you to bless others
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Anonymous (not verified), Nov 04 2022 - 1:39pm
I highly appreciate this program and I really thank God for the wonderful programs. May the spirit of God continue guiding you to proclaim the message. Happy Sabbath
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Anastacia (not verified), Jan 06 2023 - 11:05pm
I love this. Thanks for these wonderful ideas
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Eikura (not verified), Jul 18 2023 - 12:01am
Very appropriate program. I love this. God bless your ministry.
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Ricky Thompson (not verified), Aug 15 2023 - 8:14am
Lovely program, God bless your ministry
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Keresha (not verified), Sep 14 2023 - 11:56pm
Great program piece. Love it
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Ingrid thompson (not verified), Mar 28 2024 - 8:52am
So inspiring and profound prgram
Really needed this in my church.
God blessing....
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Avion (not verified), May 26 2024 - 5:18am
Great program! It can be adapted for A.Y. as well.

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