The message for this crisis!!

Sabbath School
Do you think it is essential for us as seventh Day Adventist to know and understand the three angel's messages? This program is a Biblical examination of the Three Angel's Message and its importance to us as Seventh Day Adventist Christians who claim to be followers of Christ.
Program Aim
Do you think it is essential for us as seventh Day Adventist to know and understand the three angel's messages? It is our unique message and so we should know and understand this message
Scripture References
Revelation 14:8:
Theme Song(s)
#416 The judgment has set
Program Audience
Preparations and resources

Persons to act in the sections of the three angels.

Theme: Church Education

Topic: What exactly are the Three Angels Messages?


Opening Song:

#416 The judgment has set


Scripture Reading:

Revelation 14:8:

And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" (NKJV).



Ask the church to pray in groups of two. Persons should ask God to open our minds and help us understand his messages to his church and his people.




Opening Remarks:

Let me ask you a rhetorical question. What exactly are the three angel's messages? How exactly are these messages applicable to our walk as Seventh Day Adventist Christians? How are these messages relevant to us as followers of Christ? 

Where exactly are these messages found in the bible? 

Do you think it is essential for us as seventh Day Adventist to know and understand the three angel's messages?

Our message is one of uniqueness. It is the message that sets us apart from every other denomination. This message must be preached in all the world before the end comes.

As such, we need to understand this message, so we can teach this message to those we come into contact.

Today's program is an Examination of the Three Angel's Message and its importance to us as Seventh Day Adventist Christians who claim to be followers of Christ.


Mission Story:

Resources found here:

Videos found here:



Secretary's Report:

We will now have the secretary's report.


Main Feature:

Today we will look at the three angels' messages.

The three angel's messages are found in Revelation 14. 

These messages are the final warnings that God's people must proclaim to all the world before the end must come. How then can we proclaim these messages, as God's people if we do not know them nor understand their significance?

Please pay attention today so when we are asked what are the three angels' messages and what is their significance we can have a ready answer.


First Angels Message is as follows:

*Ask someone with a powerful voice to read the following scripture.*

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people—saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water" (Revelation 14:6-7 NKJV).



We, as Seventh-day Adventists, must proclaim this message to every nation. This message speaks of judgment and restoration. There are three major sections:

  1. The Everlasting, Unchanging Gospel
    This gospel is the same unchanged and unchangeable good news that God has conveyed to man ever since sin entered the world, though discerned with varying degrees of clarity and emphasis in different ages. It is the simple message that Jesus Christ, who is fully God, left His heavenly glory to come to earth as a babe. He lived an exemplary life, free from sin, filled with love and compassion. To the extent where he gave up his life as a faultless sacrifice for our sins, so we through him can escape the wages of sin which is eternal death. We can claim His gift of eternal life if we repent from our past sins and live a life free from further sin by the power of the Holy Spirit. A life defined by our love for God and love for mankind.
  2. Judgment and Grace
    The hour of Judgement is upon us, Jesus Christ the Son of God, now our high priest is passed into the heavens and is now making intercession for us. For those who have chosen Christ in this life, and lived consistently according to His word, they patiently await their Judgement when Christ shall declare that his blood has covered all of their sins.
  3. Worship God as Creator
    Only God deserves our worship and allegiance, anything that causes us to go against God's will and His law becomes our idol. When we worship God as our creator, we acknowledge that he has formed and fashioned us and that He knows what is best for us. We also acknowledge that as the crowning act of creation, he rested on the sabbath day, he then blest the sabbath and offered it as a gift to us all. Every time we remember the sabbath day and keep it holy, we live out the words that he has hidden in our hearts, and we commemorate his creative work, including the rest he offers to those who are heavy laden with the cares of this world.

The first angel's message is a call to live the gospel by showing love for God and Man. To worship God as creator and redeemer as we discover Him through His word. To daily choose truth over error, daily choosing to exalt God our maker over exalting self.

Can we proclaim this?


Second Angels Message is as follows:

*Ask someone with a powerful voice to read the following scripture.*

 Revelation 14:8:

And another angel followed, saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" (NKJV).


The second call or message announces the fall of Babylon. And a much later call urges God's people to come out of her (Babylon) my people. 

God's people are, unfortunately, still in Babylon. The final call will be to all the world just before the close of probation. The outpouring of the latter rain will accompany this.

Can we proclaim this message?


Third Angels Message:

Superintendent: The final message is a fearful one.


*Ask someone with a powerful voice to read the following scripture.*

Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:9-12 NKJV).


After the great disappointment of 1844, the message of the third angel was understood. 

The messages of the third angel are as follows:

· This message warns against the worship of the beast or its image.

· It is a Message of separation from Babylon and its principles.

· God's people will not need to be fearful of the judgment in this message.


The third angel's message tells of the negative consequences of false worship and urges us to choose God for his goodness and everlasting grace.

Can we proclaim this message?


Lesson Study

At this time, we will have the lesson study.


Closing Remarks:

We are at the closing time of earth's history. This time requires people to know and understand their purpose and why we have been called. 

In prophecy, the final messages and warnings are represented as being proclaimed by three angels. However, as we now know, these angels represent the movement of God's people. These angels are us.

How can we proclaim a message we do not know? We must study the Word and know the message.

How can we tell persons to choose between truth and error while we still battle between two opinions? Answer: we must choose today who we will serve.

How can we call persons out of Babylon while we sit so comfortable at Babylon's gate? We must daily focus our minds on God, and we must live the life God wants; we must pray without ceasing.

How can we call people out of false worship while our lives are filled with idols? 

Answer: We must get rid of every idol in our life. Remove everything that separates us from the love of God.

Brothers and sisters, we are living in the last days, the closing time of earth history. It is time for us to live and be our message.

Can we proclaim this message? Join with me as we say a resounding Yes We Can.


Sabbath School is now adjourned until next Sabbath.




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vasity (not verified), Mar 17 2020 - 10:29pm
Great program not to be missed
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Eliah cheptot (not verified), Apr 10 2020 - 7:26am blessed.
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Bob Worri (not verified), Apr 16 2020 - 6:16pm
Very inspiring
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Bhots montero (not verified), May 05 2021 - 5:03pm
Very nice program
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Michelle (not verified), May 05 2021 - 8:00pm
I enjoy the message for today I must use it some day to share with my church family.. Amen Amen
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Mozes Navulalevu (not verified), May 19 2021 - 7:04pm
Thank you very much for the Great message
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Marcia (not verified), May 23 2021 - 11:38pm
I like this topic it's very well put, blessings family
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Letecia Hall-J… (not verified), Aug 19 2022 - 8:37pm
This is very inspirational, Thank you
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Amado Vanwinkle (not verified), Jul 21 2023 - 11:15pm
Dear administrator, Great post!
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Seth Grimstone (not verified), Nov 28 2023 - 3:33pm
Dear owner, Your posts are always insightful and valuable.
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Toni-Ann Cherr… (not verified), Mar 03 2024 - 8:57am
A very significant lesson for our time. It's a call for us to know, understand and share the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ by God's grace.

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