Truly Making Jesus Famous (SS)
We are to strive to exercise fruits of the spirit…not a checklist. We shouldn’t be hasty to cast judgement. Everything we do must be for the honor and glory of God.
Always live your life knowing your smile can brighten someone’s day. Your godly advice can change someone’s life. And your testimony can lead an entire family to Christ.
Persons needed for the skit: Father, Son, Injured Person, Selfie, Good Samaritan.
Song Service: Praise Team
Opening Song: #1 Praise to the Lord
Prayer :
Scripture Reading : Matt 6:1-4
Opening Remarks:
We are Seventh Day Adventist but what does this term mean to our family, friends and neighbours. Does it mean we are the best emulators of Christ’s characters that you will ever see? Do people want to meet our Jesus after interacting with us for any period of time?
Do we leave images of Christ, His life, love and ministry everywhere we go?
If not, this is what we should strive for, this is how we should live. “If His life is in me, the fruits of His work you will see!” The bible says John 13:35
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another."
Always live your life knowing your smile can brighten someone’s day. Your godly advice can change someone’s life. And your testimony can lead an entire family to Christ.
Special Music:
Main Feature:
Script: Truly making Jesus Famous
Persons needed for the skit: Father, Son, Injured Person, Selfie, Good Samaritan.
Father Enters with Son on their way to church: In this scene, the father will be walking along and counselling his son about all the things the son needs to do of himself to be considered righteous.
Son, you need to ensure you are keeping all 10 commandments, especially the Sabbath day. Wear your suit and tie to church every Sabbath, if you are to preach, outline all the weaknesses and sins the church is struggling with and preach repentance. Don’t hang around people who are not spiritually progressive, they will just pull you down to hell with them. Ensure you pray for God to be merciful of all the sins of the church. Because it is only righteous people who will inherit the kingdom of God.
While walking and counselling, they see in the distance a church member purchasing an item from the local corner store.
Do you see that son? We are on our way to church on God’s Holy Sabbath day and look at your choir director, buying on the Sabbath after God gave us 6 long days to prepare. People like those will not see the kingdom of God! Do not be like them!
The father and son pair continues to walk as the father gives more advice, they then encountered a group of young men with a church brother in the midst.
Son, do you see those young men standing over there. They are known drug dealers, yet your church brother is hanging out with them, on the Sabbath day, when he should be heading to church! As the saying goes, show me your company and I can tell you who you are.
In the middle of him speaking the gang starts to beat the church brother down to the ground and left him for dead.
Do you see what is happening there son? That is the consequence of making bad decisions. The devil will embarrass you and you will be the laughing stock of the community and a shame to our church.
They walk up to the bruised and beaten man. And stares in disgust.
Son, this is the consequence of living a life of sin. You will embarrass yourself and the church. Do not be like this man here, God is not happy with him, in fact, God finds him disgusting!
The father scoffs at the beaten man and walks off with his son
Enters Mr Selfie and walks towards the injured man. Mr Selfie: Talks about all the things he has done and all the people he has helped.
I just love doing good things for the Lord and my fellow man. There is nothing like the feeling of going through my phone and seeing the smiling faces of all the people I have helped. I also ensure everyone knows I am a follower of Christ by posting these happy faces of Facebook. That is my missionary calling!
Mr. Selfie approaches the injured man on the ground.
Mr Selfie: Gasp! That man looks hurt, let me see if I can help him. This is another great opportunity for me to bless someone today! You know we make Jesus famous when we do Good on the Sabbath day.
Let me takes some pictures to show people the hardships people have in our community and how we can help them.
He then reaches for his phone to record himself helping.
Mr Selfie: I need to record this so I could post it so the world could see us doing a lot of good works to help this man. “Let me take a selfie!”
He then realises that he doesn’t have his phone.
This is so unfortunate, I will not be able to witness on Facebook about the marvellous work God has done through me. I left my phone home. And as they say “pictures or it never happened”.
He then sadly walks away.
Enters the same person who was at the shop on the sabbath (Good Samaritan)
Good Samaritan:Sir, sir are you OK? Is there anything I can do to help? (Man moans in pain)
OK, here’s what I am going to do. I just bought these pain tablets and bangages at the corner shop for my son who met in a terrible accident and is home sick and in pain. I just saw the first Elder and His son, pass by, I invited them home to pray for my son so he must be on his way to my house, I am sure their prayer will work miracles. But you seem to need a miracle right now. Take this medication and I will put on the bandages.
Good Samaritan begins to helps the man.
Injured man asked good Samaritan “Are you Jesus?”
Good Samaritan chuckles and says, I’m your Jesus for today.
Special Music
Skit Explanation to be read by Superintendent
Folly of Claiming Self Righteousness
The father was self-righteous and through his conversations and actions, he was passing these attributes to his son. Romans 2:1-5 tells us God is not pleased when we act this way.
The father was also trying to teach his son that our actions can save us and by following these steps, our place in heaven is sure. However, this way glorifies self rather than God.
Instead the father should have been exercising the fruits of the spirit which can only be truly demonstrated through a constant relationship with the Lord.
If our motives for keeping the law is incorrect eventually we will break the law. However, by exercising the fruits of the spirit we will keep and maintain the law. Because the bible says against such there is no law. So if we want to be a law keeper who glorifies God, let us our motive.
Who are you truly glorifying?
Matthew 6:1-4
Be careful not to perform your righteous acts before men to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2So when you give to the needy, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be praised by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
So don’t allow our selfies to make us selfish, or self-exhorting. Everything you do must glorify God.
The good Samaritan on the other hand was seen “breaking the sabbath” by the Father. However, the judgement that the father pronounced was so incorrect. This tells us we do not always know the entire story and our eye can be deceiving. And surprise, surprise, the good Samaritan who was branded as a sinner, actually exercised the fruit of the spirit and glorified God. So much so that the injured man saw Jesus in Him.
Special Music:
Lesson Study:
Closing Remarks:
This scenario depicts some important things that shouldn’t be missed because they relate directly to our earthly and eternal lives.
We are to strive to exercise fruits of the spirit…not a checklist. We shouldn’t be hasty to cast judgement. Everything we do must be for the honor and glory of God.
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