Why Isn't the Church Doing Anything About This?!

The world is going through never before seen tumultuous times. Wars and rumours of wars, human rights are being violated as the hearts of men have waxed cold. Men's hearts are failing them for fear, and the future is uncertain. 

In the middle of all this, our youth are crumbling under the world's influences. Sickness and disease are ravaging society. Mental illness is now a trending diagnosis because depression and anxiety have become the natural state for millions.

The world needs help; who can fix this mess? 

How about the church?

Why Isn't the Church Doing Anything About This?!






We are from Sabbath Programs. It has come to our attention that your world is also a mess. The fact that you are reading this means that you are probably a church leader or a part of a team in leadership.

So I can then probably assume that you are the "Church" that everybody likes to blame for the ills of the world.

So Mr/Ms Church, Why Isn't the Church Doing Anything About This?!


What was that?

You don't know where to start? Well, you have come to the right place.


First, let's make it clear that your goal is not to change the world. You are not a superhero. Instead, your goal is to make it easier for the members of your congregation and your community at large to learn how to change their own lives with God's help.


By reaching out to the needs of the church and community with simple lessons through effective and innovative activities, you can:

  1. Identify and address the critical needs of the people.
  2. Allow people to understand that Jesus values their souls.
  3. Lead them to surrender their heart and life to Christ.
  4. Give real examples of how to live a transformed life.
  5. Train them to become disciples and leaders who will do the same for others.


As individual lives are changed, these lives will influence homes, and these homes will impact the church, and the churches will influence our communities and change the world.

So What Will the church be Doing About it this Sabbath?
It's your move, Mr./Ms. Church!
The people are waiting.

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