• Who are you voting for?

    Who are you voting for?

    God has given us a map for life called the Bible. We should understand that even in a period of elections filled with promises that Gods promises are forever.
  • sabbath

    The Sabbath is Outlawed??

    If the sabbath should be kept on Saturday. What biblical evidence exist? Look at this courtroom drama on folds with a dialogue between defendant and prosecution going head to head on what the bible says about which day should be kept

    Sabbath Keeping in a Modern World

    To provide biblical answers to questions on Sabbath observance using a panel of members who are knowledgeable about the bible.

    An Evening of Psalm, Song and Testimony 

    Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. We are instructed to commit to memory scripture so in our times of need we can remember God's Word and claim his promises. The book of Psalm is filled with promises and calls to worship our Creator and King
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