• Love Scrabble text

    The Greatest Love of All

    Christ gives us the greatest love of all. His love gives us choice, assurance and most importantly freedom and eternal life

  • Tree shaped like a heart

    The Power of Love

    Love has the ability to over-power any barrier. We are admonished to let the love of God shine within us, we should radiate and see how much of a difference it makes to our everyday life and the lives of those around us.
  • Nature

    God in Nature (AY)

    Now that creation is complete, God has finished his work, he did His very best because he declared that it was good. However, now is the time for us to do the work he has left for us to do. We all have been given talents but will we utilize our talents or bury them. Will we serve him half-heartedly or will we give our all, and give our best?
    This sabbath school program will show us how to give of our best to the master.
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