From Poverty to Royalty: Building a Royal Inheritance

Do you view yourself as royalty, A king or queen perhaps, or do you view yourself as an average teenager, aimlessly going about everyday life.

Do you see yourself as unremarkable, talentless, mediocre? Thinking that you will never be royal?
Is it because you didn’t come from a royal blood line. Were your parents kings and queens? Do you even know who they are?

Do you live in a palace, with servants and guards? Or is a two bedroom rental apartment?

Do you have untold riches, treasures of gold and rare gems? Or are your parents struggling to make ends meet.
Will you ever be royal?



If you don’t have the bloodline, wealth or resources of earthly kings and queens how can you even claim to be royalty?


I know for certain that I am a queen, the daughter of the most high God, A jewel in His Crown, the apple of His eye.

Psalm 139:14 reminds me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Hopefully, at the end of tonight’s presentation, you too will know that you are royalty!


Tonight’s topic is “From Poverty to Royalty” we will explain to you how God wants to take you from the lowest lows to the highest of highs, from poverty to royalty.


Before we continue please join me in bowing our head and closing our eyes for prayer. 


The bible is filled with stories of those who went from poverty to royalty.


 Esther was an orphan; she lost both her parents and was raised by her cousin Mordecai. The king was seeking beautiful virgins to replace his current wife, and took Esther captive. It was not all sunshine and roses for Esther, but she knew she was called for such a time as this. She ascended to the position of queen, but it was not until she was placed in a difficult situation that forced her to make some tough decisions to save her people, that you would see her true royalty shine.


She submitted herself and her will to God, she went into a period of fasting and prayer and she asked her people to intercede on her behalf. That is true royal behaviour.

God then came through for Queen Esther and her faith was rewarded with victory.


Joseph also went from poverty to royalty. His brothers abducted him, threw him into a pit and sold him as a slave. He ended up working as a servant in the house of Potiphar. Here began his first set of trials. Joseph humbled himself to the power of God. He was falsely accused of the sexual assault of his master’s wife and was thrown in jail. But as a diamond shining in the rough, he became royalty among his cell mates and was placed as a leader even inside the prison. God soon elevated Joseph from prison to prime minister, after God gave him the wisdom to interpret Pharoah’s dream. He was placed in his right position of royalty, his brothers who threw him down in the pit were now throwing themselves down at his feet.


David, was the least likely to become king. He was a humble shepherd boy. When Samuel came to David’s father, to choose the next king from his sons, David did not even make the line-up. Seven other brother were selected over David. His very own father did not even consider him worthy to be considered for kingship. The prophet Samuel saw David’s brothers, they were tall, dark and handsome, strong men of war. Surely, one of these men must be Israel’s next king. But NO. God told Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:7 that “man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart”. That is why God called David a man after His own heart. David’s royalty was not skin deep, it was not an act, David was royal from the heart. His royalty within, became royalty without. God then placed him on the throne to rule with excellence. No other king in Israel ever ruled with honour like David.



In this society today, too many times we underestimate ourselves, too many times we look down on ourselves and fall into a state of depression because we believe that we are not good enough, we are not beautiful/ handsome enough, we don't belong here, well my kings and queens in Christ Jesus I have great news for you today .


Let no one tell you that you can't be yourself!

You are not good enough!
Your nose is way too big!
You’re too skinny!
You just don't fit in the picture that we're looking for.

My royalties, in Jesus’ name 1 Peter 2:9 remind us “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.


So girl, lift up your crown, put your chest out and walk confidently. Boy, you keep pressing, despite the sea’s tide that's against you. God is on your side, you got this !


For Isaiah 62: 3 promises us that you shall be a crown of Beauty in the hand of the Lord and the Royal diadem in the hand of your God.


As we step into our royalty, there is one thing we should never lose track of. We are not royal because of anything we have done. Our parent’s wealth and inheritance cannot give us true royalty. Even if you grew up in Buckingham Palace, that does not give you access to royalty. The royalty we are talking about today is only given to the poor. Yes the poor!


Matt 5:3 will tell us more. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (read again)


The kingdom of heaven, belongs to those who are poor in spirit. If a kingdom belongs to you, that means you are royalty. And not just any kingdom, we are talking about the kingdom of heaven. Not an earthly kingdom. Earthly kingdoms rise and fall but the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is forever.


But what does it mean to poor in spirit?

Does it mean my bank account needs to be empty? Check

Does it mean I need to lack designer clothes? Check

Does it mean I need to not own a fancy car? Check


No, No, No, being poor in spirit has nothing to do with your money and ride, but everything to do with your selfish pride. To be poor in spirit means you have humbled yourself to be totally lead and directed by God. You have surrendered your pride and selfish desires to walk wherever God directs. Let’s look at some other verses that talk about spiritual poverty.


Psalms 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Isaiah 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.


 Being poor in spirit really just means being of a humble spirit. Understanding that you can do nothing of yourself. Acknowledging that God is all powerful, and the only reason you can claim royalty, is if you make Him king of your life. James 4:10 says “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” God wants to lift us up from poverty to royalty, he wants to reward the humble, the poor in spirit.

James 2:5 promises “Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”


No matter what our background looks like, no matter what our qualifications are, Jesus accepts us for who we are. 1 John 3:1 says “Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”

If you know God, you know that you are royalty. Others may not accept your royalty because they don’t know God. But their ignorance is no excuse for you to hold your head down. We have to also accept ourselves for who we are, we need to stop underestimating and under-pricing ourselves, way cheaper than what we are worth. Kings, Queens, do you know you have a price, oh yes,  you are worth the price that my Jesus Paid on Calvary, a price that cannot be measured by all the money on earth. We are worth far more than rubies for my God says in Matthew 10:29-31“29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”


oh yes, we must declare this promise today and stand with our heads High shoulders out and our crown placed properly on our heads, for we are a royal priesthood, I said we are a royal priesthood.


When we accept our royalty, we also accept that with great power comes great responsibility. Kings and queens are known by their character, because it matches their father. When we step into our royalty we will walk like Him.

1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

When we step into our royalty, they will hear it in the words that we speak.

Eph. 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

When you step into your royalty, you become a new person because you no longer represent yourself, you are now a representative of God’s everlasting Kingdom.

Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is… righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” These character traits will be evident in your life when you step into your royalty.

 I was once in the position you might be in, thinking about everything everyone says, very self-conscious of how I look, even comparing myself to others, but Hallelujah the Lord has claimed worth over my life back at Calvary’s Cross. I'm no longer a slave to fear I'm a Child of God.


Please allow God to help you, it's okay we're in a safe place, I know how you are feeling my dear king and queen in Christ. I've been there but we can all come out victorious, it may not happen in one day or a week but over time. There are kings and queens listening tonight who have not yet stepped into their royalty. They may have been through difficult struggles, trying to measure up to the world’s impossible standards and inevitably failing. Many have clawed their way out of financial poverty but are still broken and empty inside. There are also those who have given up trying and now consider themselves failures, therefore they have set low standards for themselves and have lived according to those low standards.


If you are in support of helping and looking out for your fellow discarded kings and queens, and want them to know that you are in support of them reclaiming their royal inheritance, please type #support in the chat. Let them know that we support them and that we want them to find their peace in Christ.



I will close off with a story.

One day a young boy asked his father: what is the value of my life? Instead of answering, father told his son: take this rock and go sell it in the market, if anybody asks the price, raise two fingers and don’t say anything.

The boy then went to the market and a woman asked: How much is this rock? I want to put it in my garden. The boy didn’t say anything and raised up two fingers, and the woman said: two dollars? I’ll take it.

And the boy went home and told his father a woman wants to buy this tock for two dollars, the father then said: Son I want you to take this rock to a museum, if anybody wants to buy it don’t say a word and just raise two fingers.

The boy then went to the museum and a man wanted to buy his rock, the boy didn’t say any word and just put up two fingers, and the man said: two hundred dollars?! I’ll take it.

The boy was shocked and went running home and told his father: a man wants to buy this rock for two hundred dollars! his father then said: the last one I want you to take this rock to a jewellery store, show it to the owner and don’t say a word, and if he asks the price, just put up two fingers.

The son then went to the jewellery store, he showed the rock to the owner, where did you find this stone?! It is one of the rarest stones in the world, I must have it, How much will you sell it for? The boy raised two fingers, and the man said; I’ll take it for two hundred thousand dollars.

The boy didn’t know what to say an ran home to his father. Father a man wants to buy this stone for two hundred thousand dollars!!

His father then said:  Son, do you know the value of your life now? You see, it doesn’t matter where you come from, where you were born, the colour of your skin, or how much money you were born into. It matters who’s value you place on your life.

You may spend your whole life thinking that you are a two dollars stone, you may spend your whole life surrounded by people that see your worth for only two dollars.

But everybody has a diamond inside them, and we can choose to accept the value God has placed on us, the value of his life and kingdom.


Do you wish to claim your royal inheritance tonight? Are you willing to become poor in spirit, so God can lift you up? Are you ready restore the value you have lost by taking the opinions of people who cannot see the diamond inside of you?

Jesus wants you to accept his valuation tonight, he has already made the highest bid for your soul, will you accept it?



Sing a song at the end.