Do Seventh-Day Adventist Vote?

Do Seventh-Day Adventists vote?

The question of whether Seventh-Day Adventists members vote or not is really left to the individual. As a member of the country in which one lives, one should really exercise the democratic right of choosing the persons who will lead that country. However, as a Seventh-Day Adventists, there should be some principles that should govern your choice. Firstly, Seventh Day Adventists ought to vote intelligently. A seventh day Adventist who is voting, must remain free and independent of the partisan politics. The member should not vote unless he or she has analyzed each candidate and the vote should be given to the one who has shown that he or she truly has the country’s interest at heart, and not just there for personal gains. 

Secondly, Seventh-Day Adventist should maintain moral and ethical principles when voting. There should be no Seventh-Day Adventist member who accepts bribes or compensations to vote for any party or person in any elections. Also, Adventists members should not link the church with any political party. God’s church is not to be mixed with any worldly by any member of the church. Finally, Adventists should never be emotionally or violently engaged in the partisan strife. At the end of the voting period, the persons who are not on the same page as you politically will still need to hear the gospel. If we get involved in the war of words and sometimes even the physical fights that takes place during elections, we will not be able to minister to those people who have a different political persuasion than we do.

Additional information on this topic can be found in the book Gospel workers, written by Ellen G White, from page 391 to 395, under the caption, “Our attitude in regards to politics”.