7 Crazy Myths about Sabbath School Programs

Over the years, many of the traditions in sabbath school programs have seemingly cemented themselves as unchangeable facts. However, many of these supposed facts are actually myths, and knowing this can open up creative avenues for planning your next program. Today we will look at five of those myths about sabbath school programs.


1. It Has to be in the Morning.

There is nothing in the name that dictates that the sabbath school program be the first order of activities. In fact, switching sabbath school to midday or sabbath afternoon can inject new life into your program and potentially reach a new group of people who are not as punctual.

Plan a switch in advance with your Adventist Youth leaders for the afternoon, church pastor or elders for the midday service, and schedule your sabbath school for a new time. You may be shocked at the response.


2. It must start at 9:00 am

This myth is related to the first point, but instead of looking at later in the day, have you considered beginning sabbath school earlier? Many churches have early services or even prayer services before sabbath school that are well attended. Experiment with starting Sabbath school at 8:30 am or even 800:am. This can be for special occasions or more frequently if you wish. You will have an extra hour or so to fully explore the lesson study or do a more in-depth sabbath school program.


3. It is a monotonous reading.

A sabbath school program is more than just an encouraging reading. There are 15 types of program presentations you can have for your sabbath school program; an oral monologue is only one of them. Group or panel discussions, testimonies, bible games, skits, and quizzes are all suitable forms of presenting your topic.


4. It's not as spiritual as the midday sermon.

Many people attend church with the mindset that the most spiritually substantial part of the church service is the sermon. If, for one reason or another, there is no sermon; they would leave feeling empty.

Let's first get over the cultural tradition that the sermon is the main course in a sabbath service meal. This concept fails miserably if the preacher is unprepared and does a terrible job at bringing across the point in their sermon.

It can be argued that a well-prepared sabbath school program can provide just as much or even more value when compared to a sermon.

A sermon is primarily a monologue, where the preacher shares their take on a topic. A sabbath school program can allow for the congregation to ask questions, share their experiences, and make valuable contributions to the learning of others.


5. Sabbath School Programs must always be held indoors.

Some may think that Sabbath School programs must always take place within the church building.
Consider holding your Sabbath School program outdoors or in a different location occasionally, such as a park, by a beach, lake or river, or even as simple as a member's backyard. This change of scenery can bring a breath of fresh air to the experience and provide opportunities for activities like nature walks or outdoor games, which can be tied to the lesson's theme.


6. The superintendent must be involved.

It is often assumed that once the superintendent is responsible for a sabbath school program, he or she must take part in the presentation. On the contrary, I have seen many sabbath school programs where the superintendent was always behind the scenes, just ensuring that things ran smoothly.

Consider inviting guest presenters who are experts on a topic to make a presentation on your behalf. This presenter can be an outside guest, or you can request a local member, such as your church treasurer, to do a presentation on stewardship, tithes, and offerings.

Organize the supporting participants and let the folks know when they are to carry out their roles.


7. It must be planned by the members of the church

A church's sabbath school can get stuck in the routine of cultural standards. Break up the routine by inviting a sabbath school superintendent from another church to take up sabbath school for a week or two. It can be by invitation or as a part of an exchange program, where leaders exchange churches for the day.

You will be able to reach out to a new audience and share programs that have resonated with your congregation and have the freshness of new faces leading out in church your church.

In summary, breaking free from these creative myths can inspire new and engaging ways to approach your Sabbath School programs. By doing so, you can create a more enriching and enjoyable experience for your congregation, fostering spiritual growth and a strong sense of community.