The 2020 Year in Review

We are quickly approaching the end of the year, and what a roller coaster ride it has been. We started 2020 with a grand welcome and new years day program to our subscribers. We asked for your cooperation in working alongside us as partners as we improve program delivery within our churches worldwide. Many of you have taken our programs, transformed them to be your own,  and successfully carried them out in your churches. We know this because of the amazing feedback we have received. You told us how our programs transformed your churches, and we are happy we could have empowered you to make a difference.

In January, we launched a new section of Sabbath Programs: the Lesson Study section. From its launch until the present, many of you faithfully utilised the videos, audio, PowerPoint presentations and lesson outlines to enhance your lesson study at church. 

In February, we released a list of choruses, and that was also well received by most of our subscribers. We also launched another section called Church Welcomes. This was a compilation of several welcomes messages that you can use to bless your congregation.

In March, most of the world was shut down by the novel coronavirus. Many churches were closed for the first time in our generation. This break in momentum and change in the worship structure affected each congregation regardless of size or location. And this was something we all needed to learn how to navigate. New guidelines were put in place that impacted our services and traditional evangelism.

In April, May and June, we continued to steer the ship, but our way of doing things at Sabbath Programs had to change. We used these months to send our subscribers messages of upliftment and encouragement as many persons faced the negative consequences of the virus. We reminded you that your body is the temple of God and you are the church, not the building that we attend. We encouraged you to be creative in your evangelistic thrust as we still had the work of Christ to do. We reminded you that God knows all, and he sees all and he has not forgotten you or forsaken you. 

In July and August, some church began to reopen while many churches switched to online services. In both instances, the structure of worship services differed; mainly by the removal of traditional sabbath school and AY services. Leaders needed to be inspired and reminded that God chose you for your elected task at church within this year. Like Esther, God has called you to lead in such a time as this.

In September and October, we continued to send emails that would inspire you to keep working at your church even though the structure was different. We gave you tips and tricks on how to revive a dead church, how to find sabbath intimacy and many more.

In November, we launched another section of our website called Baby Blessings and Baby Dedication. This is targeted toward elders and pastors who dedicate babies to the Lord. Please share this section with your leaders. 
We also added another section to our website called "What Adventist Believe". This section addresses what we believe on topics such as drugs and alcohol, voting and many more. 

In December, the husband and wife team of sabbath programs are closing off this year by giving thanks to all our subscribers for your partnership on this journey. We have the difficult task of deciding how to serve you our leaders better. However, we believe that God has given us His Spirit that will continue to inspire and motivate us, so we can inspire and motivate you. You have access to the same Spirit, and we pray that you will open up your heart at His invitation.

To our outgoing leaders, thank you, we ask that you pass our information on to your successors. To our leaders transitioning into 2021, by Gods grace, we will continue to work alongside you and your churches. Do not be discouraged by the year that has gone, but instead be encouraged and renewed for the journey ahead. Many leaders will have a massive task of reviving the church after a long period of dormancy. Let us approach this sacred work prayerfully.