13th Sabbath Quiz
13th Sabbath in the Seventh Day Adventist Church is often characterized by the children showing what they have learned in the past quarter through the recital of their memory verses. Rarely are the adults called upon to show evidence that they have benefitted from the sabbath school lessons of the quarter.
This 13th Sabbath, after the children, has ended their activities. Carry out the Adult sabbath school quiz. This quiz is not for prizes and surprises, but a means for the congregation to remember and share what they have learned.
Ask each Sabbath school teacher to submit about five questions of varying difficulties, extracted directly from the sabbath school quarterly publication. Provide the lesson number and day with the answer for reference. Set aside 15 minutes during the 13th Sabbath program to throw out these questions to the congregation. Members are not allowed to respond to any more questions after getting one correct. This restriction will allow everyone to participate.